Leading Ourselves

In our monthly elders meetings, we spend the first part of our time discussing ways in which we can grow and develop as better leaders. This month, I had a topic in my heart that I had never spent too much considering, which was the idea of leading ourselves. As difference makers, we often spend so much time thinking of ways to help others, that we can easily forget about our own well-being. How do you think your physical, mental, and spiritual health are today? What do your current opinions and relationships say about your priorities? Are your thoughts being fruitful or barren? Many times, these things can reflect how well we are leading ourselves. The truth is, if we do not lead ourselves well first, we will not be able to lead others; so, here are three ways we can lead ourselves well:

1. Choose your words. Our words speak loud and clear, even when they shouldn’t. Many of us struggle with speaking out before having thought carefully about the meaning or consequences of our words. God gave us a voice to bring life to others and bring glory to Him. In Psalms 19:14, David writes “So may the words of my mouth, my meditation-thoughts, and every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing, acceptable before your eyes, my only Redeemer, my Protector-God.” Our words are meant to speak about God’s truths and promises, about His love and mercy. Let’s lead ourselves wisely today by choosing words that encourage and reflect God’s nature.

2. Choose your intentions. Our intentions often reveal the depths of our hearts. By taking the time to think before you act, you are not only being prudent but you give yourself the time to analyze your “why”. Chad Veach says “be someone that wants MORE for people than FROM people” and that should always be our goal. We shouldn’t do things out of envy, greed, or pride but rather selflessness and grace. Our intentions should be genuine and not from the root of self-gain.

3. Choose your actions. Words and intentions should lead to tangible actions. It is said that your behavior will reflect your beliefs, what do you think your current behavior is reflecting to others today? Our actions lead to results, to change, and greater good. Today, I encourage you to go out and do good with heart and soul. Lead your heart to act in a way that will make a difference, even if you won’t get any earthly recognition.

Let’s lead ourselves wisely and change the world by reflecting God’s love. You are not alone in the journey and have a team of difference makers cheering you on!

With heart and soul,

Ester Avero
M.A.D.E. Co-Founder

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